Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Memory For All Seasonings Essay

Memory is one of the most important functions of the mind. Without our memories, we would have no identity, no individuality. The following article is about a mnemonist, a person with an extraordinary power of remembering. The title includes a pun, a form of humor based on a play on words. The usual phrase to describe something constant and dependable is â€Å"for all seasons†; here the phrase is changed to â€Å"for all seasonings.† (Seasonings is another word for spices, such as salt, pepper, and curry.) What hint does this give you about the mnemonist? (Early in the article you will find out.) One evening two years ago, Peter Poison, a member of the psychology department at the University of Colorado, took his son and daughter to dinner at Bananas, a fashionable restaurant in Boulder. When the waiter took their orders, Poison noticed that the young man didn’t write anything down. He just listened, made small talk, told them that his name was John Conrad, and left. Poison didn’t think this was exceptional: There were, after all, only three of them at the table. Yet he found himself watching Conrad closely when he returned to take the orders at a nearby table of eight. Again the waiter listened, chatted, and wrote nothing down. When he brought Poison and his children their dinners, the professor couldn’t resist introducing himself and telling Conrad that he’d been observing him. The young man was pleased. He wanted customers to notice that, unlike other waiters, he didn’t use a pen and paper. Sometimes, when they did notice, they left him q uite a large tip. He had once handled a table of nineteen complete dinner orders without a single error. At Bananas, a party of nineteen (a bill of roughly $200) would normally leave the waiter a $35 tip. They had left Conrad $85. Poison was impressed enough to ask the waiter whether he would like to come to the university’s psychology lab and let them run some tests on him. Anders Ericsson, a young Swedish psychologist recently involved in memory research, would be joining the university faculty soon, and Poison thought that he would be interested in exploring memory methods with the waiter. Conrad said he would be glad to cooperate. He was always on the lookout for ways to increase his income, and Poison  told him he would receive $5 an hour to be a guinea pig. Conrad, of course, was not the first person with an extraordinary memory to attract attention from researchers. Alexander R. Luria, the distinguished Soviet psychologist, studied a Russian newspaper reporter named Shereshevskii for many years and wrote about him in The Mind of a Mnemonist (Basic Books, 1968). Luria says that Shereshevskii was able to hear a series of fifty words spoken once and recite them back in perfect order fifteen years later. Another famous example of extraordinary memory, the conductor Arturo Toscanini, was known to have memorized every note for every instrument in 250 symphonies and 100 operas. For decades the common belief among psychologists was that memory was a fixed quantity; an exceptional memory, or a poor one, was something with which a person was born. This point of view has come under attack in recent years; expert memory is no longer universally considered the exclusive gift of the genius, or the abnormal. â€Å"People with astonishing memory for pictures, musical scores, chess positions, business transactions, dramatic scripts, or faces are by no means unique,† wrote Cornell psychologist Ulric Neisser in Memory Observed (1981). â€Å"They may not even be very rare.† Some university researchers, including Poison and Ericsson, go a step further than Neisser. They believe that there are no physiological differences at all between the memory of a Shereshevskii or a Toscanini and that of the average person. The only real difference, they believe, is that Toscanini trained his memory, exercised it regularly, and wanted to improve it. Like many people with his capacity to remember, Toscanini may also have used memory tricks called mnemonics. Shereshevskii, for example, employed a technique known as loci. As soon as he heard a series of words, he mentally â€Å"distributed† them along Gorky Street in Moscow. If one of the words was â€Å"orange,† he might visualize a man stepping on an orange at a precise location on the familiar street. Later, in order to retrieve â€Å"orange,† he would take an imaginary walk down Gorky Street and see the image from which it could easily be recalled. Did the waiter at Bananas have such a system? What was his secret? John Conrad would be the subject of Anders Ericsson’s second in-depth study of the machinations of memory. As a research associate at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Ericsson had spent the previous three years working with William Chase on an extensive study of Steve Faloon, an undergraduate whose memory and intellectual skills were  considered average. When Ericsson and Chase began testing Faloon, he could remember no more than seven random digits after hearing them spoken once. According to generally accepted research, almost everyone is capable of storing five to nine random digits in short-term memory. After twenty months of working with Chase and Ericsson, Faloon could memorize and retrieve eighty digits. â€Å"The important thing about our testing Faloon is that researchers usually study experts,† Chase says. â€Å"We studied a novice and watched him grow into an expert. Initially, we were just running tests to see whether his digit span could be expanded. For four days he could not go beyond seven digits. On the fifth day he discovered his mnemonic system and then began to improve rapidly.† Faloon’s intellectual abilities didn’t change, the researchers say. Nor did the storage capacity of his short-term memory. Chase and Ericsson believe that short-term memory is a more or less fixed quantity. It reaches saturation quickly, and to overcome its limitations one must learn to link new data with material that is permanently stored in long-term memory. Once the associations have been made, the short-term memory is free to absorb new information. Shereshevskii transferred material from short-term to long-term memory by placing words along Gorky Street in Moscow. Faloon’s hobby was long-distance running, and he discovered that he could break down a spoken list of eighty digits into units of three or four and associate most of these with running times. To Faloon, a series like 4 , 0 , 1 ,2 would translate as four mi nutes, one and two-tenths seconds, or â€Å"near a four-minute mile†; 2, 1, 4, 7 would be encoded as two hours fourteen minutes seven seconds, or â€Å"an excellent marathon time.† When running didn’t provide the link to his long-term memory, ages and dates did; 1, 9, 4, 4 is not relevant to running, but it is â€Å"near the end of World War II.† Chase and Ericsson see individual differences in memory performance as resulting from previous experience and mental training. â€Å"In sum,† they write, â€Å"adult memory performance can be adequately described by a single model of memory.† Not every student of psychology agrees with Chase and Ericsson, of course. â€Å"I’m very suspicious of saying that everyone has the same kind of memory,† says Matthew Erdelyi, a psychologist at Brooklyn College. â€Å"In my research,† he says, â€Å"I find that people have very different memory levels. They can all improve, but some levels remain high and some remain low. There are dramatic individual  differences.† It is unlikely that there will be any agreement among psychologists on the conclusions that they have thus f ar drawn from their research. The debate about exceptional memory will continue. But in the meantime it is interesting to look deeper into the mind of a contemporary mnemonist. Ericsson and Poison, both of whom have tested Conrad over the past two years, believe that there is nothing intellectually outstanding about him. When they began testing Conrad’s memory, his digit span was normal: about seven numbers. His grades in college were average. Conrad himself says that he is unexceptional mentally, but he has compared his earliest memories with others’ and has found that he can recall things that many people can’t. His first distinct memory is of lying on his back and raising his legs so that his mother could change his diapers. As a high-school student he didn’t take notes in class—he says he preferred watching the girls take notes—and he has never made a list in his life. â€Å"By never writing down a list of things to do, and letting it think for me,† he says, â€Å"I’ve forced my memory to improve.† Conrad does believe that his powers of observation, including his ability to listen, are keener than most people’s. Memory, he says, is just one part of the whole process of observation. â€Å"I’m not extraordinary, but sometimes people make me feel that way. I watch them and realize how many of them have disorganized minds and memories and that makes me feel unusual. A good memory is nothing more than an organized one.’ One of the first things Conrad observed at Bananas was that the headwaiter, his boss, was â€Å"a very unpleasant woman.† He disliked being her subordinate, and he wanted her job. The only way he could get it was by being a superior waiter. He stayed up nights trying to figure out how to do this; the idea of memorizing orders eventually came to him. Within a year he was the headwaiter. â€Å"One of the most interesting things we’ve found,† says Ericsson, â€Å"is that just trying to memorize things does not insure that your memory will improve. It’s the active decision to get better and the number of hours you push yourself to improve that make the difference. Motivation is much more important than innate ability.† Conrad began his memory training by trying to memorize the orders for a table of two, then progressed to memorizing larger orders. He starts by associating the entree with the customer’s face. He might see a large, heavy-set man and hear â€Å"I’d like a big Boulder Steak.† Sometimes, Peter Poison says, â€Å"John  thinks a person looks like a turkey and that customer orders a turkey sandwich. Then it’s easy.† In memorizing how long meat should be cooked, the different salad dressings, and starches, Conrad relies on patterns of repetition and variation. â€Å"John breaks things up into chunks of four,† Ericsson says. â€Å"If he hears ‘rare, rare, medium, well-done,’ he instantly sees a pattern in their relationship. Sometimes he makes a mental graph. An easy progression—rare, medium-rare, medium, well-done—would take the shape of a steadily ascending line on his graph. A more difficult order—medium, well-done, rare, medium—would resemble a mountain range.† The simplest part of Conrad’s system is his encoding of salad dressings. He uses letters: B for blue cheese; /-/for the house dressing; 0 for oil and vinegar; F for French; T for Thousand Island. A series of orders, always arranged according to entree, might spell a word, like B-O-O-T, or a near-word, like B-O-O-F, or make a phonetic pattern: F-O-F-O. As Ericsson says, Conrad remembers orders, regardless of their size, in chunks of four, This is similar to the way Faloon stores digits, and it seems to support Chase and Ericsson’s contention that short-term memory is limited and that people are most comfortable working with small units of information. One of the most intriguing things about Conrad is the number of ways he can associate material. Another is the speed with which he is able to call it up from memory. Ericsson and Poison have also tested him with animals, units of time, flowers, and metals. At first, his recall was slow and uncertain. But with relatively little practice, he could retrieve these â€Å"orders† almost as quickly as he could food. â€Å"The difference between someone like John, who has a trained memory, and the average person,† says Ericsson, â€Å"is that he can encode material in his memory fast and effortlessly. It’s similar to the way you can understand English when you hear it spoken. In our tests in the lab, he just gets better and faster.† â€Å"What John Conrad has,† says Poison, â€Å"is not unlike an athletic skiil. With two or three hundred hours of practice, you can develop these skills in the same way you can learn to play tennis.† (1945 words) I Comprehension Quiz Choose the best way of finishing each statement, based on what you have just  read. 1. The psychology professor discovered John Conrad’s incredible ability to memorize: a. in school b. on a test c. in a restaurant 2. Conrad agreed to let the professor study his memory because: a. Conrad was interested in psychology b. Conrad wanted to increase his income c. Conrad needed to improve his memory 3. The famous Russian mnemonist Shereshevskii used a memory trick called loci to remember objects by: a. associating them with events in Russian history b. imagining them placed along a street in Moscow c. picturing each one in his mind in a different color 4. The memory trick used by Steve Faloon was the association of certain numbers with: a. running times b. important dates c. both the above d. none of the above 5. Conrad had been: a. a gifted student b. a below-average student c. an average student 6. Part of Conrad’s motivation for developing memory tricks to aid him as a waiter was: a. his desire to get his boss’s job b. his great admiration for the headwaiter c. his fear of not finding any work 7. Imagine that four customers have requested that their steaks be cooked in the following way: well-done, medium, medium-rare, rare. According to John Conrad’s â€Å"mental graph† technique, this order would be remembered as: a. a steadily ascending line b. a steadily descending line c. a mountain range 8. From this article a careful reader should infer that: a. everyone has about the same memory capacity and can develop a superior memory through practice and motivation b. a good or bad memory is an ability that a person is born with and cannot change to any great degree c. there is still no conclusive evidence as to whether outstanding memories are inborn or developed II Finding Support For or Against a Hypothesis As the article points out, some psychologists today believe that extraordinary memories are simply the result of development through hard work and the application of a system. According to them, an average person could achieve a superior memory if he or she tried hard enough. Find evidence from the article to support this hypothesis. Then find evidence from the article that goes against this hypothesis. What is your opinion of this controversial question?

Friday, August 30, 2019

Jubilee Essay

â€Å"Jubilee† is a narrative written by Margaret Walker and was first published in 1966. The writer, instructor as well as intellectual was born in 1915 and is best recognized for her civil war narrative Jubilee as well as for her influential anthology of poems concerning ethnic assertion. Walker’s narrative is one of the initial tales to present the African-American’s nineteenth century experience within the South from a feminine as well as a black’s perspective. The narrative won the Houghton Mifflin’s Literary Fellowship Award, and is a fictionalized explanation of the life of Margaret Duggans Ware Brown, Walker’s great-grandmother who was born in Dawson in Terrell state as a slave and lived during reconstruction inside South West Georgia. The narrative is based on tales Walker’s maternal grandmother narrated to her. (Walker. M, 1999) The seriously celebrated historical narrative/long fiction centers on the story of Vyry, a bi-racial slave in the Civil War in America and deals with a number of subjects like racism, freedom, slaves or slavery, Civil war, women, christianity, reconstruction, African- Americans among other major themes. The narrative is set in Georgia and afterward in diverse sections of Alabama during the mid-1800s prior to, during, as well as following the civil war. The following is an explanation of the setting in place and time, the manner in which the author takes the reader there, the major characters, the history studied from the narrative, what the reader can study concerning civil war, slavery and reconstruction, whether the author views slavery as paternalistic or autocratic as well as what the narrative states concerning why reconstruction was not successful.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Demography, Epidemiology, Health Essay

Public health is the science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organised efforts of society. Beryl S, 2007, BTEC National health and Social Care Book 2, page 116. Public health helps to improve peoples health and well-being in all communities across the nation. This is through improving quality in life, which has prolonged Britains life expectancy, decreased infant and child mortality and reduction of many diseases. There are seven main key aspects to public health in the UK today: monitoring health status; Changes in health patterns are monitored and tracked to detect if there may be any potential problems for the population. Data is collected from different health professionals to monitor the health status of the community, which are then used to inform policy and the planning of health services. Identifying health needs; This is done through gathering data to find out the populations illness trends, the statistics can then be used to improve health and then the area concerned can be highlighted and effects of that illness can be prevented or reduced. Other factors are also included, such as age, genetics, environment, lifestyle and education, as they may relate to the patterns concerning illnesses and diseases. Developing programmes to reduce risk/screen for disease early on; New programmes are introduced to attempt to reduce ill health that can help to identify certain people who may be at risk of certain illnesses or conditions. Once identified the programmes help the preventation of the condition continuing, For example if someone has been told they may develop diabetes due to their weight, then they would be refered to someone who could help lower their weight and therefore lower the risk of developing diabetes.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Legionella Pneumophila Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legionella Pneumophila - Essay Example On the basis of similarities Legionella pneumophila is classified under Kingdom Procaryotae (Bacteria), Phylum Proteobacteria, Genus Legionella, and Species Pneumophila (Engelkirk and Burton, 2007). Legionella pneumophila consisting of 32 identified species are globally found in natural water sources like lagoons, rivers, and streams, and in artificial habitats like air-conditioning systems, chilling structures, evaporating compressors, whirlpools in spas, hot tubs, shower heads, humidifiers, tap water, distillation systems, decorative fountains, misting devices, dust, people, and soil. The microorganisms may be transmitted by direct contact with the infected person, inhalation of dust where the spores are, or direct contact to the identified reservoirs (Engelkirk and Burton, 2007). The pathogenicity of the species was confirmed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States of America in 1977 after a year of having infected a host of victims temporarily living in Philadelphia Hotel in 1976. The pathogens were confirmed to have come from the vent of the hotel's airconditioning system (hydrosense(R), 2009). Legionnaire's disease was the name given to the infection caused by the bacteria Legionella pneumophila.

Role of NGOs In World Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Role of NGOs In World Development - Essay Example This essay stresses that some NGOs focus on improvement of infrastructure to aid development. Infrastructure is a core requirement for development. Infrastructure includes land development, house construction, road construction, solid waste collection among other activities. When an NGO develops a road, it connects the residents of a particular area to the outer world. This facilitates trade and movement, and hence the rate of development is increased. Activities such collection of solid waste improves the living standards of people that is a form of development. Some NGOs have focused on the elimination of slums by building houses for persons living in slums. Waste collection improves the appearance of an area and facilitates maintaining of good health. NGOs such as the OneAcreFund, who mainly operate in African countries, have majored in land development and have helped people start up agribusiness projects. This article makes a conclusion that non- governmental organizations play an important role in global development. They help people recover from situations that they would have otherwise not been able to recover from. The operations of NGOs save a lot of costs to governments and such costs may be directed to other areas of development. The achievements of CARE international are a perfect example of the roles played by NGOs. The organization has shown that NGOs support is imperative to global development.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Health determinants Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health determinants - Assignment Example The patient encountered hardships as a result of his lack of income. He was unable to provide for his daily needs, which was accelerated by rising cost of living. He was not able to acquire basic education due to his lack of finances and therefore could not cope with the demands of the current job market. Such people are discriminated against in his society and would not be considered for leadership positions. Consequently, this socio-economic instability also affected the patient’s ability to establish and support his own family. Moreno and Warah (2007) state that a significant proportion of the world’s population lack access to a proper living environment. The physical environment in which the patient lived exposed him to health hazards and stress, leaving him without adequate shelter and clothing. This is a significant determinant of health as the patient was not protected from hostile environmental conditions such as rain and mosquito bites, among other harmful issues. Moreover, personal hygiene cannot be maintained without proper shelter and access to safe food and water. Individual risk factors also determine the overall health status of a person. For example, the patient turned to substance abuse as a mechanism of coping with his stress. Maurer and Smith (2013) argue that emotionally stressed people accelerate their demise through a lack of understanding their predicament and by engaging in negative behavior. Stressed individuals tend to seek self-gratification through undignified behavior especially when they lack money and resources. They tend to abuse illicit drugs that are easily obtained through the black market. The patient had a long history of abusing substances such as cannabis sativa and resin. Although these substances made the condition worse, the patient used them as stimulants. Jacobsen (2014) postulates that a minor change in a social system might influence the entire system; therefore, it should not be ignored. It is important for

Monday, August 26, 2019

Corporate Computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Corporate Computing - Essay Example The process may take ages to unfold, but the technological advancement is already taking place. Virtualization, Web services and grid computing are three advances 'which are of considerable significance', though their importance has frequently been hidden by the arcane terms used to explain them.Virtualization erases the variations involving proprietary computing platforms, hence enabling applications intended to run on one working scheme to be deployed in a different place. Web services regulate the interfaces connecting applications, whirling them into modules that can be assembled and disassembled simply.  Ã‚  Grid computing enables large information of hardware mechanism such as disk drivers or servers to successfully act as a sole device, pooling their capability and allocating it mechanically to diverse jobs. In diverse ways, the three technologies play a function parallel to that of the untimely recent converters. They make possible a vast, compactly incorporated system to b e constructed out of assorted and formerly irreconcilable components. Independently, the three technologies are remarkable; however, collective they become innovative.The need for utility services has forced some companies to connect their old hardware and software into traditional data centers. Certainly, firms frequently forgo if not striking utility services or run into difficulties with outsourcing planning since the necessary incorporation with their bequest systems is so complicated.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Not ablicable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Not ablicable - Essay Example What is good to note in this article is that Sarkozy and his government are taking steps to shake up the status quo and make some reforms with regards to the issue, particularly in matters of workplace and social inclusion. He did this by appointing officials from different races and ethnic backgrounds after his election in 2007. He created a new government post called â€Å"diversity and equality commissioner† and appointed Yazid Sabeg, foreign-born and known all throughout the country for his extensive work in â€Å"promoting diversity and workplace rights† (, 2009). The government had no other recourse but to make these drastic changes because of the riots that happened in one of the suburbs of Paris, particularly in the low-income, immigrant areas. The country, as Sabeg announced, is on the brink of a social civil war, and if nothing changes, then it could only get worse. It remains to be seen how the people will react to the efforts instituted by Sarkozy. In another article from the same website in January 1, 2006, Jeremy Josephs wrote about how the 35-hour work week is dividing the workforce. On one hand, economists and legislators supported the policy because they contended that it will result in greater productivity and will create more jobs. On the other hand, workers are starting to realize that â€Å"the atmosphere at work also changed. People became clock-watchers" (Josephs, 2006). Because they were working less in a week, the supplemental income coming from overtime work vanished, which left workers with families lost and desperate. The debate is still open as to whether the 35-hour week is the best way to go. How is the French workforce coping with the recession? In a recent article on June 5, 2009, two researchers from the Human Capital Institute (HCI) wrote about a growing trend in staffing management that is geared towards saving labor costs and at the same time increasing workers’ productivity. HCI, in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The reality of work cultures in the modern economy Essay

The reality of work cultures in the modern economy - Essay Example These issues range from difference in cultures and values as well as laying-off workers as well as closing of some plants aligned to the Cadbury Company. These issues have continued to create a lot of tension between the British public and the Kraft Company over the years since the takeover in 2010 (Rigby and Cohen, 2010, p. 2). The Unite, a workers organization championing the rights of workers in the United Kingdom has constantly pressed the Kraft Company to assure the workers of their jobs at the company after the takeover and at the same time to be honest and truthful with the public. The government has been under pressure to compel the Kraft Company to assure the employees that their job is safe with the company. Kraft and Cadbury cultures in the workplace The values that Kraft and Cadbury advance at the workplace are very different. Kraft Culture Kraft as a company is capitalistic in nature and the major goal is to maximize on the revenue regardless of the effect this may have on the people who work for the company. When the company took over Cadbury, it made a promise that it would not close any plant in the country. However, months down the line the same company closed the Somerdale factory in England. This is despite the fact that they made a promise not to do so. The major reason, according to the company management was a poor analysis of the viability of the company in Somerdale and greater investment that Cadbury Company in Poland.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Education Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Education Law - Essay Example Khan has experienced, the law as practiced has proved to be inadequately enacted throughout the UK school system. This paper will examine legal standards expected of schools as they relate to students with special needs and to what degree schools are implementing these standards. Throughout and again mentioned in the conclusion, this paper will outline what steps a parent can take to ensure their child is placed in an environment best suited to those individuals needs. Relevant legislation involving religious provisions and how they differ with the U.S. will be discussed as the religious cultures of these countries vary significantly as do their policies and general understandings of to what level of participation government entities should be allowed to have concerning religious studies in schools. To guide Mr. Khan to the most effective avenues to ensure the most appropriate school setting for his daughter, a determination of how she is classified under UK law is necessary before looking into the rights to which she is entitled. Amina has had a Statement of Special Education Needs (SEN) for three years. According to the DDA, a person has a disability â€Å"if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.† (Disability Discrimination Act, 1995). The Local Education Authority (LEA) has determined and maintained for three years that Amina is a SEN’s child thus providing for each aspect of the act’s definition of a disability. Further, the Department for Education and Skills (DES), a government agency, states that children â€Å"have special educational needs if they cannot manage the lessons, access the curriculum or get around the school building in th e same way as other children of the same age, and special arrangements are needed to support them.† (School Coordinators, 2005). The guidelines of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Assessment for learning Essay Example for Free

Assessment for learning Essay Learning is an innate capability of a person. People perceive things and learn through their experiences while they grow up and develop accordingly with their ages. Aside from the normal people who learn in the normal way, there are off course other people who are above normal, after which learn through special trainings and conditioning. People learn accordingly with their capacity to gain information and store it in their minds. It is not only by sending children to school that they are learning but also through their real life experiences that require not only for their intelligence but also for their emotional skills. In determining the learning rate of a certain group, it is very important that the surveyor is able to gather the information about the specific group such as age range, family background, nutrition of the students and other factors that actually affect the learning activity of a person, be it a cognitive or conditional learning. There are also specific tests that can be given to the students or the target learners to have written and documented results. Suppose I chose the pool of elementary students that includes children ranging from 10-11 years old. These children are already exposed to a large scope of media that portray the different roles and scenarios in the society. If I am to analyze their emotional intelligence, I would give them examinations that can determine how well they interact with other students such that they will be told to work on groups. Through the activity, students with good family background can actually have the bigger possibilities of leading the group thus causing peace whenever other children tend to fight for what they believe. Off course there will be passive kind of children and the best tool to give or offer them are group dynamics that can actually unleash their inner talents. That is also possible if the conductor of the test is encouraging and enthusiastic. In terms of academic assessments, children on this age range can be fed with lectures and practice activities such as solving math problems or subject and verb agreement. In my past experiences as a child, it is very effective for me that children will be given the chance to construct their own sentences and math problems. After that, children will be asked to solve and analyze what they do and have it in group discussions. Group discussions can help the children to gain other ways of solving such problems and understanding different sentences. It is also helpful that the teacher follows up the development of the understanding of a student. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson is necessary thus providing them devices and strategies that can help them understand more the difficult points. Specific tools that can be used in assessing the ability of a person in Mathematics and English can be flash cards and reading literary pieces (stories, anecdotes) respectively. Both can add up to the expertise of a student to the subject matter. Every child deserves the right for education. For those who can’t afford it, there are still many ways to supply your children with it; either tutoring them every day or enrolling them a school that caters scholarships. It is vital to feed the children with knowledge while they are young and still can acquire and save them to their memories. The value of education is much more priceless than any treasure in this world: not fading but still growing through ages. Reference QCA WEBSITE. Assessment for learning. Retrieved 1 May 2008 from http://www. qca. org. uk/qca_5067. aspx

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The effect of alcohol on reaction times Essay Example for Free

The effect of alcohol on reaction times Essay The table is used to drop the ruler from so we know that the height the ruler is dropped from is the same each time we do the experiment. We will hold the bottom of the ruler level with the surface of the table before it is dropped. The ruler is to be used as the measurement of peoples reaction times in millimetres. The pen is to mark out where the thumb and first finger must be when the ruler is released and is also used to record the results on the paper. Method We will make two short lines at the end of the table 1. 7 centimetres apart. The inside of the right hand thumb and right hand first finger must be placed along side these. We will place the ruler inside the fingers in the centre with the side with the shortest width touching the table and also facing away from the table. The persons hands should be level with the bottom of the ruler. The ruler will be released without warning the person who is catching it. The person catching it must have clear visibility of the ruler. When the person has caught the ruler the measurement should be read from the bottom side of his finger and thumb and not from above them. Write the results down on the paper and repeat the experiment four more times. When the experiment has been carried out five times we will make the person catching the ruler drink four units of alcohol. After he has finished drinking the last unit we will wait twenty minutes for the alcohol to take effect. We do this to see what difference alcohol has on the reaction times. Now we repeat the experiment above again. We will test four people. A young male and an older male, ages 15 and 44, and a young female and an older female, ages 11 and 38. The factors we will keep the same to make sure the experiment is a fair test are: Height ruler is dropped from Visibility Thumb and finger used No drugs Distance fingers are from ruler before it is released Moisture of skin Food Eaten Prior To Experiment Heart Rate Prediction I predict that the more alcohol that has been consumed, the longer the time it takes the body to react. I think alcohol effects the transmitter fluid in the synapse, or effects the myelin sheath on the axon. In turn this will considerably lengthen the reaction times. Also, the alcohol may have an effect on the neurotransmitters in the synapse. We now that alcohol is a poison. It could poison the neurotransmitters in the synapse, cause them to not work as fast, or even carry messages for them. I dont think the relationship between the alcohol consumed will be directly proportional. Preliminary Work Prior to making these plans for the experiment, we carried out a preliminary test. This test helped us a lot in understanding what the aim of the experiment was and gave us a rough idea of what we were going to do. Also, we can learn from the mistakes that we made in the preliminary work, so that we can ensure it is a fair test in the experiment. Results Attempt Distance 1 8. 6cm 2 9. 6cm 3 7. 9cm 4 10. 4cm Conclusion From our results we can make a safe conclusion that the reaction times of a person are very fast when they arent under the influence of alcohol. Also, because there are no anomalous results we can make a safe average reaction time from this. Average reaction time = 9. 125 seconds. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Changes Brought By It Information Technology Essay

Changes Brought By It Information Technology Essay What is Information Technology. Information Technology is the using of computer and software to manage information Laura Schneider, Information Technology have four developing periods, which are Premechanical (3000 B.C-1450 B.C), Mechanical (1450-1840), Electromechanical (1840-1940) and Electronic (1940- Present). The characteristic of Information Technology (IT) uses to solve the input, processing, output and communication issues. However, with the development of the society, Information Technology (IT) plays more important role; it has special charm to effect mankinds life within Arts, Sciences, Education, Commerce and Medical. In fact, Information Technology (IT) has complex functions because of development. The Modern Information Technology Department included Computers, Servers, Database Management Systems, and Cryptography (Laura Schneider, The department would set up of several system administrators, database administrators. On the other hand, what is interpersonal communication? The Interpersonal Communication (IC) is an extraordinary form that happens when 2 or more people work together with another person and reciprocally influence for each other (Fallkowski, 2002). Contemporary their action denotes that the communication associates are having the same information at the same time. Besides, the reciprocally influence means, which affected by the interaction such as thoughts, feelings, and interpretation. Essentially, Interpersonal Communication is kept and maintained relationships by the human. Moreover, it plays more importance of roles that include People, Messages, Channels, Noises, and Feedbacks. Generally speaking, Interpersonal Communication (IC) can improve people with the education needed for entrance kinds of Careers Company. They will face the challenges of effective communication. 2.0 Changes Brought by IT In the modern of society, Information Technology (IT) always have a lot of advantages and disadvantages to human; it is an important topic that people can recognize what Information Technology is exactly or mistakenly, and why it also plays the most important role in our daily life. In fact, the world has altered due to assist of Information Technology. The significance of IT can be discovered from the true things that consist of personal PCs, Hand Phones, Fax Machines, Email, and Internet. Communication With the development of the technology, communication has also become that are cheaper, quicker, and more effectiveness. People communicate with anyone around the globe by simply text messaging them or sending them and email for an almost instantaneous response. The internet has also opened up face to face direct communication from diverse parts of the world. The number of websites start to support that user can download different software, songs, movies, and games at anywhere and anytime. Microsoft Network (MSN) is free software of communication that creates E-Mail, Sending Message and Sharing Space. It also builds own personal place (Blogging) on the website (REDMOND, Wash 2004). In fact, people can use internet that understand different news such as business news, political news, educational news, and others in the world. Besides, more and more colleges and companies are beginning to build virtual office telecommuting systems, which are providing working rates. Students can also s tudy their subjects and managers can increase rate of management. Changes In the Way We Learn The rapid development of economy, IT also improves peoples living qualities. When you watched TV or played game, you would think about Information Technology (IT) because many movies and Pc-games were designed by the computer. Actually, Computer and Internet are the best certification, more and more companies pay attention to how to use Information Technology (IT) to manage their company. MAAKL Home Office (MHO) is an unusual software of investment (Personal Money, June 2009), which can be accessed via multi-channels such as a Desktop Computer, Network or Windows Mobile Personal Digital Assistant. Next, Science and Medicine are changed by computer such as Pool Knowledge, Track Complex Behaviors, and Simulate Complex Systems, Patient Care, Research, Special Needs, and Sports Medicine (Roberta Baber, 1997). Moreover, Information Technology (IT) teaches young children how to learn knowledge. In high schools and colleges students can benefit from computer-based learning experience. In ad dition, education does not stop in the classroom; there are much software that students can choose to learning such as Online Dictionary, History, Geography, and Biology. On the other hand, some scientists use Information Technology (IT) to solve transportation problem, which are consisting of Smart Cars, Air Traffic Control, Airline Reservation Systems, Airports, Logistics, Trains, and Travel Guides and Toward the Future (Roberta Baber, 1997). According to the above examples, we can see that the government agencies, education institution, and industrial do not leave Information Technology (IT). Time Efficiency IT has created that it possible for business to be untied all over the globe. This means that a business can open anytime and anywhere, making purchases from different countries easier and more suitable. It also means that you can contain your goods delivered right to your doorstep with having to mover a single muscle. Today the number of people utilize that information can be shared by voice mail, and recorded telephone message can sent from anywhere in the world. Scanners can build a lot of pictures, which change documents. Via fax modems can send documents to a fax machine or photo in other places such as office, building, state, and country. Besides, e-mail has provided the best service to every computer user in daily living (Human Relations, 2006). As a result, we can observe that Information Technology (IT) not only save times and improve working rates, but it also solves barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries. Cost Effectiveness Information Technology (IT) has helped to computerize the business process therefore streamlining businesses to make them extremely cost effective money making machines. This in turn increases productivity which ultimately gives rise to profits that means better pay and less strenuous working conditions. Nowadays, in high-tech communication environment (Human Relations, 2006), which are more and more companies keep virtual offices and networks of workers are connecting technology. No mater they are at outside, airplane, a motel room and communicate with visa e-mail, cellular phone, and fax modern. Moreover, telecommuting is an arrangement that employee can work in their homes, and people scattered in the world to work as one office employees. According to the above event, it is always elucidation that Information Technology (IT) can bring more benefits to commerce. Junk Mail Junk mail is email that a personality did not ask for, Unsolicited, funny photographs, advertisement, and junk. There is existing many individual personals e-mails, which are including Types of Unsolicited email, Harassing Mail, Chain Mail, Virus Hoaxes, Viruses and Email, and Collateral Spam(Human Relations, 2006). In fact, when someone views the contents, there are many attachments that can shut down an entire operating system. Therefore, the number of jobs will be affected by junk mail. In contrast, some people may accept a little risk because they often use e-mail to contact their friends or relatives. Moreover, almost companies have feedback center, they often use e-mail to solve customers problems. When customers check their e-mail, they may receive viruss mails and junk mails. Thus junk mail also threatens safeties of the computers. Privacy Problem It is commonly believe that Information Technology (IT) is communication quicker, convenient, and easier. However, it has some privacy problems in our daily life. For example, when you are using your call phone or computer, you may face that your private information will be obstructed by other people. Therefore, people are beginning anxious about their individual living changing public news. Hackers will use malicious software that sets up Trojan virus on the website such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN to Troll the Web, the companies retain IP Addresses, Search Content, Browser, and User Locations. People often can hear or look about stars Nude Picture Scandal case. Hong Kong singer and actor Edison Chen happened nude photo scandal on February 21, 2008. (Source China Daily February21, 2008)) As a result, we can observe that Information Technology also has lack of secure guardianship. Lack of Job Security Some experts consider that Information Technology (IT) has made job security this problem, which are keeping updating each day. Generally speaking, many IT people are lack of job securities. In the economy downturn period, there are many IT films that face pressure of finance. Therefore, IT workers have more ideas. Some people think that they hard work each day, but the boss does not pay attention to their efforts. Other people feel that they can not only promote, but they also get fewer salaries. However, some people change new jobs, but they cannot adapt new environments because of subject problem. Moreover, some companies will have mergers, buyouts, downsizings, business closings, and bankrupts. In addition to IT is a bubble economy that has more competitive wars. Finally, IT workers minds become other ideas. Dominant Culture Information Technology (IT) may bring many benefits to human, which are changing communication methods, improving work rate, increasing new opportunity of job, and saving time. However, some people may not suppose that Information Technology (IT) will corrode dominant culture. This means that Information Technologies (IT) have made the world a global village. Humans communication is changed by IT. We can distinguish that many young teenagers all over the world now act, dress and behave. Famous brands involve Lee, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Hollywood Movies. In contrast, languages also have become overshadowed English the first communication skill. There are 20 hundred million people speaking English in the world. Yet, other unusual languages will be disappeared by the English. For the above reasons explain that Information Technology (IT) not only bring a lot of delightful surprises, but it also changes mankinds living. 3.0 Effective Communication Using IT The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history. With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention. How can improve to use Information Technology in communication? Effective Search Engine Along with the development of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is how to effectively improve development of Information Technology (IT) that becomes a big issue. When data or information grows that many companies are using effective search engine that find variety of information of businesses. Some computer engineers create that engines can be developed for particular organization as well as available tools can be used. For instance, Google is the biggest search engine company in the world. It has collected 20 hundred million information Websites. No mater you are staying anywhere or anytime, you can Google to find information. In contrast, Google also continuously develop new Web Search technology into other search services such as Image Search, Google News, Google Product Search, Google Groups, and Google Maps. For the above example, we can get a result that effective search engine of creation may improve to use Information Technology Software Updates Many experts think that software skills have the largest space of development. Examples involve Operating Systems, Database Management Systems, Network Operating Systems, Data Communication Software, and Compilers. For example, Microsoft still develops new operating systems that include Windows95, Windows98, Windows2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista. On the other hand, Apple is not only manufacturing computers company, it also has new personalized operating systems. Examples include iTunes 9, Safari 4, QuickTime 7, and iWork09 (Top Apple Downloads (2009). In addition, there are almost call phones that have 3G, GPS, and variety of software. For all the events, we can see that those companies have a common new goal. They prefer to develop quicker software skill because of the biggest commercial opportunity. Thus, development of software skill have belonged how to advance Information Technology. Improvement of IT Personnels Ability During the financial downturn, the numbers of IT companies also are attention how to improve information technology personnels workability. Because they can change companys survive or perish. In China, Information Technology (IT) is becoming chief trend; there are a lot of colleges students in which learn Information Technology programs. They realize that China is developing the third economic country in the world. When those students graduate, they will have strong professional knowledge that employs all kinds of Information Technology jobs. On the other words, there are many well-know Information Technology (IT) companies in China such as Sina, Netease, BaiDu, Alibaba, and Eachnet. They build up special HR department that train their IT employees. This method can help to establish a good team, which complete companys task. Moreover, they have one main goal that utilizes the best method in which quickly expand and effectively operate Information Technology (IT) at during short time. E-Commerce Nowadays, we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have take place in peoples attitude towards some traditional practices. Information Technology (IT) change a lot of peoples living communication methods. In 1960s, banks began to use computer and magnetic ink recognition to automate check processing. In the 1970s and 1980s, business extended their computer based electronic data interchange (Baldauf Ralph Stair). Nowadays, E-Commerce is becoming the type of electronic trading, which is using online transaction of business, featuring linked computer systems of the vendor, host and buyer. Examples include Taobao, Travelocity, Hotels, Amazon, Llbean and CompUSA. These websites also offer the best service to their customer, and they always keep updating their information systems and service skills. IT Products In fact, more and more Information Technology (IT) products are entering into humans living. Examples involve Digital Camera, Business Hand Phone, Mp3, Mp4, and Electronic Dictionary etc. we can see that a lot of companies continuously produce new products, which are satisfying customers requirement. Some companies develop new environmental IT products. This means that use recycling materials and improve product energy efficiency. Besides, IT product proves that peoples living always develop each day. People use IT product records many wonderful events such as birthday party, students meeting, and wedding ceremony. It cannot be denied that there still exist some advantages of Information Technology products. From what has been discussed above, we may draw the effect that Information Technology product can be effective used by people. Electronic Library Electronic Library is devoted to the functions and implications of new technology, digitization, the Internet, user interfaces, automation, and networks in the libraries. Electronic Library has to offer and save function of information that consist of newspaper, books, scientific dissertation, meeting paper, implant case, and work statement. All the above materials will become digital Information Technology. Besides, Electronic Library has a special navigation that help user to find information. Finally, Electronic Library also improves information service, the number of user can easily check, read, and download the best information. All the above suggestions that we can come to the simple conclusion that more and more people are paying attention to how to develop Electronic Library. Digitization Digitization encompasses digital technology of all kinds that serve and support Digital Music, Video, and Graphics. Digitization consists of perception, presentation, display, storage, and transmission. The electronic conversion is accomplished through imaging a process whereby a document is scanned and an electronic representation of the original. With the development of the internet, people begin to use digital media to communicate for each other. In China, there are a lot of businesses of opportunities because digital media is a beginner. More and more films are trying to research and develop digital media in their business. Examples include IPTV, Mobile Telephone (2.5G/3G), and GPS. Besides, Digital Media also affect young persons ideas such as modish dress, songs, and movies. Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that Digital Media is becoming a major trend. FaceBook As one of the most important inventions at the twenty-first century, Facebook has a wide application in all aspects of our lives. It plays such an important role that it undeniably becomes the biggest concern of the world. Facebook is a social networking website that develops humans communication. Some people think that Facebook can construct new communication channels. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal information. Beside, user can join networks organized by workplace, school, and region. Users can use hotmail to find their friends, which are extending their societal opportunities, and they can show their photo, video, daily, and game with their families and friends. User can also set their profiles on public. This allows close friends to send messages and add the user as a friend. Microsoft is Facebooks partner for serving banner advertising; as such Facebook only serves advertisements that exist in Microsofts advertisement inventory. Finally, Facebook has different language systems, which bring a lot of conveniences to human. 4.0 Conclusion Information Technology (IT) has successful changed humans life styles and it able to create new IT skills though numerous imaginations. IT has proved that it can provide brilliant services to peoples appetence. As a result, those efforts pay off and Information Technology has achieved this difficult mission. Besides, Information Technology (IT) always summarizes its disadvantages and continuously updates date system that does not wash out peoples view line. With the great success, Information Technology (IT) is finding new goal, which is combining with communication. Thus, more and more Information Technology products are coming into families. People also adieux strange living and increase person relationship. However, during the economy downturn in 2008/2009, the number of people are facing unemployed crisis, they lessen a lot of consumption ways. Information also affect so that each IT company may decrease funs to develop new Information Technology skills. In contrast, Information Technology (IT) has shown that there all advantages service to humans communication and it has much potential for development in our daily life. These factors are Effective Search Engine, Software Updates, and Improvement of IT Personnels Ability, E-Commerce, IT Products, Bluetooth, Digitization, and Networking. Each of them has their potentials in giving services to mankind.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

We Must Solve the Climate Change Crisis :: Global Warming Essays, 2015

"For the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change. Now, it’s true that no single event makes a trend. But the fact is the 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15. Heat waves, droughts, wildfires, floods—all are now more frequent and more intense. We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought in decades, and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence. Or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment of science—and act before it’s too late." -- President Barack Obama We owe something to future generations in terms of conducting energy and environmental research and coming up with various energy policies that are forward thinking. Historically, the path to the future is created in the past. Our generation must commit itself to constantly researching energy and environmental impacts of energy to come up with innovative information. More specifically, research in climate change and how human use of energy impacts climate change is very important for the future. Additionally, policies need to be thought of, created, passed, and put into action properly. Based on the plethora of issues that we as a class have identified through our various energy policies, it is extremely apparent that there is a need for innovative policy for energy and climate change impacts in the US. Since we are only students, it is amazing to see how we were all able to come up with these policies, and it shows that policy makers definitely have a lot of work to do going forward. Who knows, maybe we will see policies similar to the ones we created become implemented in the future. Overall, it is important for policies to be created now for the future to look bright in terms of the way the United States uses its energy and regulates its emissions from energy overall. In the future, new policies will be created; however, they will need to assess the strengths and weaknesses of policies created today.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

All that we need is in our every day life is dependent upon interest and supply. The nation is dependent upon the impacts of both request and supply. At whatever point interest is influenced it prompt deficiency of different needs that are popular and at whatever point supply is influenced it prompts lack of supply in the nation's economy. In addition the things we require in our every day life is likewise influenced on both request and supply. Interest prompts the aggregate amount on merchandise or administrations that are required to purchase different wares and supply is the amount of products and administrations business will make accessible to make benefits. Subsequently in our every day life everything is dependent upon the interest and supply from a little merchandise to a huge partnerships. Besides the organization's imparts or bonds are additionally dependent upon the impact off interest and supply. Bring down the interest will be the easier cost of products and administrati ons and the other way around. Also higher the supply will prompt high cost of products and administrations. Interest brings down supply in a basic case cost of every single product will be influenced by interest and supply. At whatever point the interest transform it will prompt change in the taste of the client and will prompt change in the taste of style for clients, likewise prompt change in cost of related products i.e merchandise are not related with one another in this manner they are of distinctive taste of inclination is diverse. Change popular will prompt change in number of purchasers of economy on the grounds that when interest changes or surpasses it prompts expand in number of thing and at whatever point interest brings it leads down to bu... issue to much degree as both are influenced through same number of days with the greater part of the critical substance with interest and supply related issues. After this we can additionally raise after a few years of once more to back record settings picks up. Some financing trusts which have recently been scaled over on the buys and are even now pushing forward however at a more mindful pace. Both request and supply are currently most significant thing that constitutes the universe of and economy as the vast majority of the economy is needy upon the interest and supply influence yet costs of farmland are climbing on solid request and supply impact. So in Canada now as stated by different nations interest of specific merchandise have been expanded identified with others in the economy. In this way cost of interest and supply is identified with cost in the econom

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy :: Biology Cattle Disease Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a relatively new disease found primarily in cattle. This disease of the bovine breed was first seen in the United Kingdom in November 1986 by histopathological examination of affected brains (Kimberlin, 1993) . From the first discovery in 1986 to 1990 this disease developed into a large-scale epidemic in most of the United Kingdom, with very serious economic consequences (Moore, 1996). BSE primarily occurs in adult cattle of both male and female genders. The most common age at which cows may be affected is between the ages of four and five (Blowey, 1991). Due to the fact that BSE is a neurological disease, it is characterized by many distinct symptoms: changes in mental state 'mad-cow', abnormalities of posture, movement, and sensation (Hunter, 1993). The duration of the clinical disease varies with each case, but most commonly lasts for several weeks. BSE continues to progress and is usually considered fatal (Blowey, 1991).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After extensive research, the pathology of BSE was finally determined. Microscopic lesions in the central nervous system that consist of a bilaterally symmetrical, non-inflammatory vacuolation of neuronal perikarya and grey-matter neuropil was the scientists' overall conclusion (Stadthalle, 1993). These lesions are consistent with the diseases of the more common scrapie family. Without further investigation, the conclusion was made that BSE was a new member of the scrapie family (Westgarth, 1994).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Transmission of BSE is rather common throughout the cattle industry. After the incubation period of one to two years, experimental transmission was found possible by the injection of brain homogenates from clinical cases (Swanson, 1990). This only confirmed that BSE is caused by a scrapie-like infectious agent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How does the transmission become so readily available among the entire United Kingdom feedlot population? Studies showed that the mode of infection was meat and bone meal that had been incorporated into concentrated feedstuffs as a protein-rich supplement (Glausiusz, 1996). It is thought that the outbreak was started by a scrapie infection of cattle, but the subsequent course of the epidemic was driven by the recycling of infected cattle material within the cattle population (Lyall, 1996). Although the average rate of infection is very low, the reason why this led to such a large number of BSE cases is that much of the United Kingdom dairy cattle population was exposed for many, continuous years (Kimberlin, 1993).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To help control the outbreak, the British government in 1988 introduced a ban on the feeding of ruminant protein to other ruminant animals (Lacey, 1995). Such knowledge for the pathogenesis of the BSE disease shows precisely the actions that must be taken in order to control and minimize the risk of

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Magna Carta

1. Magna Carta [1215] (52): The Magna Carta was an agreement that insured protection of noble (feudal) liberties from usurpation by the King. The Magna Carta influenced the development of common law (legal precedent), as well as constitutional principles (as seen in the United States Constitution). 2. Chief Powhatan (59): Chief Powhatan was the chief of Algonquian-speaking villages (Powhatan Confederacy) in eastern Virginia, chief of about 10,000 Indians. Powhatan took 80% of the corn his people grew and traded that and hides for weapons. As a result, the English people took over his lands. . Mercantilism (163): Mercantilism was a national program that said that the total amount of the world’s gold and silver stayed the same and only what percent of that each nation had changed then one nation could only become richer by taking another’s gold and silver and taking over its trade. As a result, nations had to develop and protect its own shipping and had to take advantage of the colonies. 4. London (Virginia) Company (57): The Virginia Company was a joint-stock between the First Colony of London and the Second Colony of Plymouth. King James had them go on a religious mission to bring the Christian religion to the natives of the colonies. The settlers trying to change the natives religion led the relations between the two to become tenser. 5. John Smith (59): John Smith was appointed by the Virginia Company to manage Jamestown. Smith was strict and made everyone work. If settlers bickered, he imprisoned them, whipped them and forced them to work. He bargained with Indians and explored and mapped the Chesapeake region. Because of him, Jamestown survived, but he was not well liked by the colonists. . Jamestown (58): Jamestown was the first permanent colony in Virginia by the Virginia Company. The 105 men built a fort, huts, a storehouse and a church. Trade with the Indians and the teachings of the Indians were the only reason Jamestown initially survived. 7. John Rolfe (62): John Rolfe was the reason tobacco became a popular crop. He got a hold of some seeds and tobacco became popular. It had a big profit and he lped the economy. It also led indentured servants to come over, boosting the population. John Rolfe also married Pocahontas, Chief Powhatan’s daughter. She married John Rolfe and they moved to London. John Rolfe was the reason for the tobacco industry in the colonies and more stability between the colonists and Indians. 8. House of Burgesses: 9. Pocahontas (63): Pocahontas was the daughter of Chief Powhatan. She saved John Smith when he trespassed. Powhatan let Smith go in exchange for weapons, beads and trinkets. She was captured in 1614 by Jamestown to try and blackmail Powhatan. She ended up converting to Christianity, changed her named to Rebecca, and married, had a kid and moved to London with John Rolfe. She was a reason Indians and colonists relations improved. 10. Sir William Berkeley (64): Sir William Berkeley was Virginia’s royal governor starting in 1642 and stayed it for the next 35 years. Berkeley favored the richest planters and the commoners rebelled against him in Bacon’s Rebellion. In the end, Berkeley regained control. 11. Headright System (63): The headright system said that anyone who bought a share in The Virginia Company could get 50 acres and 50 more if they brought servants along. Sir Edwin Sandys instituted this reform. It helped the population grow. 12. Indentured servants (62): Indentured servants were people who couldn’t afford to go to America so in exchange for labor, planters would pay for their ride over. This increased the flow of immigrants to the colonies. 13. Bacon’s Rebellion (65): Lowered tobacco prices, rising taxes and freed servants wanting Indian lands contributed to Bacon’s Rebellion. Bacon’s Rebellion grew out of the hatred for Berkeley for favoring the rich planters and hating commoners. Freed indentured servants wanted land and led them to take the Indian’s land. Berkeley didn’t support them so they rebelled. The planters and Indians started to become violent. In 1676, Bacon defied Berkeley by taking command of a group of frontier men. Bacon wanted all Indians dead and Berkeley didn’t. Bacon’s rebellion was the first struggle of common folk versus aristocrats. Berkeley regained control after hanging 23 rebels. A royal commission made a peace treaty with the Indians. The results of the rebellion were new lands opened to colonists and wealthy become more cooperative with commoners. 14. William Bradford (69): William Bradford led 100 men, women and children to the colonies aboard the Mayflower. He and the pilgrims landed at Plymouth and they built on an abandoned Indian village. Bradford led to the Indians and Pilgrims having better relations with each other and Thanksgiving. 15. City on a Hill (72): John Winthrop envisioned the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a city on a hill. Winthrop used hill metaphorically to show that he felt they would above rest of the colonies. 16. John Winthrop (72): John Winthrop was the first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony and wanted to use the colony as a refuge for Puritans. He took advantage of the charter by the Massachusetts Bay Company by taking its charter with them, transferring government authority so they could have local control. 17. Pilgrims/separatists (69): The Pilgrims were part of the most radical section of Puritans, the Separatists (Nonconformists). They didn’t like the Church of England and decided it couldn’t be fixed so they would create their own godly congregations. Separatist leaders were imprisoned and sometimes hung. King James I wanted to eliminated them. As a result, they left and went to the colonies to escape. 18. Puritans (68): The Puritans were a group of English Protestants. The Puritans in England executed King Charles and made his son the king. The Puritans settled in New England. They were very religions and claimed to be on a divine mission to create a model Christian society. 19. Massachusetts Bay Colony (72): Massachusetts Bay Colony was intended to be a holy commonwealth. Most of the Puritans there were Congregationalists who formed self-governing churches. 20. Plymouth Colony (69): Plymouth Colony held a land grant but had no charter of government form any English authority. The Mayflower Compact governed it. Its population never rose above 7,000. 21. Mayflower Compact (69): The Mayflower Compact was made by 41 Pilgrim leaders who entered into a formal agreement to obey the laws made by the leaders of their choosing. The Mayflower Compact was the primary source of government for Plymouth Colony. 22. Anne Hutchinson (77): Anne Hutchinson argued with Puritan leaders. She lived in Boston and held sermons in her home. Soon they become popular sermons led by her. She claimed that she got revelations from the Holy Spirit that convinced her that only a few Puritan ministers preached the appropriate covenant of grace. She said the rest of them were â€Å"godless hypocrites† and incompetent. 23. Predestination: Predestination is the Calvinist theory that God has predetermined who will go to heaven and who will go to hell. This led people such as Roger Williams to question why church was necessary. 24. Roger Williams (75): Roger Williams was one of the â€Å"purest of Puritans† and was troubled by the failure of the Massachusetts Nonconformists to get rid of the Church of England. He championed liberty and said that the true covenant was between God and the individual. He posed a question that if one’s salvation depends solely upon god’s grace and you can’t affect it, why even bother having churches? Why not just let people exercise their free will in worship? 25. Pequot War (82): The spark of the Pequot War was when settlers in Massachusetts accused a Pequot of murdering a colonist. The settlers got revenge by setting fire to a Pequot village. As the Pequot’s fled, the Puritans shot and killed them. The Pequot’s refuted by attacking the English. The colonists and their allies-the Narragansett- killed hundreds of Pequots. 26. Iroquois League (96): The Iroquois League was made up for 12,000 people governed by 50 chiefs. The chiefs made decisions for all the villages and acted as peacemakers. They seized Canadian hunting grounds and defeated western tribes to hunt beaver in the region to extinction. French and Indian allies gained the advantage over them and reduced their population by a third. The Iroquois made peace with the French in 1701. 27. Quakers (98): The Quakers were the most influential of the radical religious groups. George Fox founded them in 1647. They were an extremely tolerant group of people. They believed everyone should have complete religious freedom. 28. William Penn (98): William Penn was the founder of the Quaker colony of Pennsylvania. When he took control of Pennsylvania, there was already a scattering of religions and races and he made efforts to bring in more settlers of any religion as long as they believed in God. He offered land and the colony grew rapidly. He purchased land titles from the Indians and even learned an Indian language. The Indians and colonists lived side by side in peace. 29. Atlantic Slave Trade: When plantations increased, the need for slaves increased. This led to the creation of the Atlantic Slave Trade The Atlantic Slave Trade was the selling and transporting of African slaves across the Middle Passage. However, 1 in 7 slaves died during the trip. 30. Stono Slave Rebellion (123): Mistreated slaves rebelled against their masters. The slaves who participated in this rebellion were killed and their heads were set up on mile marks to warn other slaves not to rebel. 31. Triangular Trade (135): New Englanders shipped rum to Africa which they traded for slaves, took the slaves to the West Indies and returned home with molasses which they used to make rum. In another version, they shipped provisions to the West Indies, carried sugar and molasses to England and got good manufactured in Europe. 32. Halfway Covenant (139): In 1662, an assembly of Boston ministers accepted this. It said that baptized kids of church members could get halfway membership and secure baptism for their children in turn. They couldn’t vote in church nor take Communion though. 33. Salem Witch Hysteria (139): In 1691, several teenagers met in the kitchen of the village minister. Soon, the girls began to shout, bark, grovel and twitch for no reason. They told people that three women were Satan’s servants and tormenting them. The three women were arrested. At the hearing, the â€Å"afflicted† girls had fits. One of the accused confessed and gave names of other people who she claimed were working for the devil. The governor disbanded the witch court in Salem and ordered the remaining suspects should be released. Nineteen â€Å"witches† were dead and more than 100 were in jail. Some historians say that it was all about land feuds between people. Most of the accused defied the traditional female roles, which could have been another reason. In 1692, some of the afflicted girls shouted â€Å"a witch† and began acting possessed. No one noticed so the girls stopped and left meaning it all could have been for attention. 34. Ben Franklin (150): Ben Franklin published Poor Richard’s Almanac in 1732, which was a collection of homely maxims on success and happiness. He founded a library, a fire company, helped start University of Pennsylvania and organized a debating club that became the American Philosophical Society. He created the Franklin stove, lightening rod, and glass harmonica. He was a freethinker with no true religion. He believed that people could unlock the mysteries of the universe and shape their own destinies. 35. Poor Richard’s Almanac (150): Poor Richard’s Almanac was written in 1732 by Ben Franklin. It contained a collection of homely maxims on success and happiness. 36. Jonathon Edwards (154): Jonathon Edwards was a Congregationalist minister in Massachusetts. He believed that Christians became too preoccupied with money and that religion had become too intellectual causing it to lose its emotional force. He didn’t like people who had cast off religion. He described hell and heaven, which in turn led people to become more spiritual again. 7. George Whitefield (155): George Whitefield was a minister and the catalyst of the Great Awakening. He wanted to restore religious fervor the American congregations. He preached in Philadelphia, Georgia and New England. Even Ben Franklin went to see Whitefield preach. He was responsible for a lot of religious rebirths. 38. John Lock e (150): John Locke was a philosopher who argued that humanity is a product of the environment. Therefore, the best way to improve society and human nature was to use and improve reason. 39. Enlightenment (149): The Enlightenment was all about reason, science and freedoms. Enlightened thinkers were willing to disregard religious beliefs in favor of more rational ideas. As a result, the colonies became less religious. 40. Great Awakening (154): The Great Awakening affected all 13 of the colonies. George Whitefield basically started it. It led people to embrace religion again as they did before the Enlightenment. 41. New Lights (158): New Lights was one of the divisions of the Congregationalists. Many went over to the Baptists or Presbyterians. This was a result of the Great Awakening undermining churches. 42. Old Lights (158): Old Lights was one of the divisions of the Congregationalists. This was a result of the Great Awakening undermining churches. 43. Navigation Acts (163): The Navigation Act of 1651 required that goods imported to England or the colonies must be on English ships whose crew was mostly English. The Navigation Act of 1660 said that the crew had to be at least ? English, not just mostly. It also said certain goods could only be shipped to England or other English colonies. The Navigation Act of 1663 said that all colonial imports from Europe to the colonies be offloaded, and have duty paid on them before their reshipment to the colonies. The Navigation Acts gave England a monopoly over tobacco and sugar. 44. Salutary neglect (168): Salutary neglect was Walpole’s relaxed policy toward the colonies that gave them greater freedoms. It ultimately led to the colonies having political independence and seeking to become independent from England. 45. George Washington (178): George Washington went to the French fort Fort Le Bouef because the French built forts in Pennsylvania to defend their interests after England got control over more land near Virginia. He went and asked the French to move and they refused. He led volunteers and their Iroquois allies to built a fort where the French had built theirs. He led an ambush on the French. The deaths during were the first tragedies of the French and Indian War. George Washington surrendered after the French attacked a month later. 46. Albany Plan of Union (179): The Albany Congress created The Albany Plan of Union in 1754. It called for a chief executive, supreme governor, and a supreme assembly. It was the basis of the current democracy system. 7. King George III (183): King George III wanted to seek peace and eventually end the French and Indian War and he forced Pitt out of office. He gave England control of most of the United States. 48. Join or Die (180): Join or Die was the first political cartoon created by Ben Franklin. It was created to unite the colonies against the French in 1754. 49. French and Indian War (177): The French and Indian War began after Virginias crossed into French territory to trade with Indians and survey land granted to them by the king. This made the French mad. In 1755, a British fleet captured Nova Scotia and killed most of its French population. The French had a victory, which demonstrated that backwoods warfare depended upon Indian allies and frontier tactics. In 1756 the colonial war became the Seven Years’ War in Europe. Pitt offered people of the colonies subsidies for their help in the war effort. The tides turned in 1758 when the English captured a French fort and the Iroquois (French allies) called off attacks on the English. 50. Treaty of Paris of 1763 (183): The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War and ended French power in America. England took all French possession east of the Mississippi River and Spanish Florida. England invited the Spanish to stay there, but most left and sold their land really cheap to the English. The lands given to the English from the French weren’t the French’s to give, it was Indian land. The Indians struck back and killed people and raided forts. These attacks convinced most colonists that Indians were bad.

Friday, August 16, 2019

La Voz a Ti Debida Anaylsis

Pedro Salinas has a reputation of one of the great love poets of his time. In his poem ‘La voz a ti debida’ he explores a deeper meaning of love by comparing appearance with reality and the superficial with the transcendent. This particular poem is one part of a trilogy of love poems written by the author between 1933-1939. All three were well received. The other two poems ‘Razon de amor’ and ‘Largo lamento’ describe the reason for love and the pain of separation, whereas the first focuses on the confusion of love.The works of Pedro Salinas were referred to as â€Å"prosias† by Federico Lorca; a famous Spanish poet from a similar era. Prosias is something Lorca used to describe a work wherein there is no distinguishable pattern, rather a mixture between prose and poetry. Testament to this fact there seems to be no recognisable pattern throughout the poem. Pedro Salinas uses language that is not conventional to the poetry of his time; he u ses a lot of symbolism, metaphor and imagery. However, the love is described negatively – it does not focus on a particular character, the benefits of being loved, being in love or on a particular love story.There is no reference of love between two specific people therefore illustrating how Salinas refers to love in a different manor to his contemporaries. Salinas writes in a very natural way; he does not use rhyme, specific line length and there does not appear to be any kind of prominent patterns. The poem is an exploration into the absolute, wit and beauty. Salinas associates love with confusion, this is made clear in the first few lines of the poem in which he uses imagery of a mask, he is showing that love can be deceiving and changes the way someone can think, act and behave: Extraviadamente amantes, por el mundo. ?Amar! ?Que confusion sin par! ?Cuantos errores! Besar rostros en vez de mascaras amadas. ’ The imagery in the poem such as the choir of mermaids symb olizes the fact that love can obscure reality, causing people to fantasize, creating an exaggerated impression of their lives. This correlates with the confusion that is highlighted by the reference to masks. Mermaids are also supposed to be associated with beauty and desire, they are angelic, virginal and young.They are also surrounded by water, so they are with nature, suggesting that love is natural, involuntary and all encompassing. As a result people’s identities are altered as they are overcome with emotion and fantasy. Furthermore, the mermaid in snow was confusing, however this could have been a device which Salinas used to represent the confusion of love, as he associates opposites with each other. This could be suggestive of the fact that love can enable people to be attracted to one another despite their differences.Moreover, Salinas shows that ultimately this can often result in failure, as these people are incompatible as are mermaids with snow. ‘sirenas y corales en las nieves perpetuas, y en el fondo del mar, constelaciones ya fatigadas, las transfugas de la gran noche huerfana, donde mueren los buzos. Los dos. Que descarrio! ’ The reference to the death of the divers suggests that they met their fate whilst searching for, or exploring, love. This shows that love is alluring, seductive and uncontrollable as it can lead people astray and destroy them. ‘?Este camino, el otro, aquel? Los mapas, falsos, trastornando los rumbos, juegan a nuestra perdida, entre riesgos sin faro. ’ This phrase strengthens the argument that what people believe about love is often false; they are misled. This is suggested by maps being false, people are unaware of the confusion that love can cause. Salinas uses imagery to show that love can be controlling; rash decisions may be made upon their lust. My understanding of this section is that people are happy not to be right, they are ‘on the edge of victory but have no desire to winâ €™.This further suggests that love clouds vision and alters the normal way in which people think and act; they are not their normal selves. ‘De alegria purisima de no atinar, de hallarnos en umbrales, en bordes tremulos de victoria, sin ganas de ganar’ Salinas goes beyond the surface with regards to love, he does not so much focus on individuals and their identities, but more on what love is as a concept. The lovers that the narrator describes are anonymous and are therefore are lacking in identity.This is a purely intentional feature included by the author in order to allow each individual reader to extract and relate to particular aspects of his writings. Therefore I believe that the poem conveys a universal meaning about love, and about how people can become infatuated with others, becoming dependent and losing their identities. The phrase ‘Extraviadamente amantes, por el mundo’ is be representative of this, as the narrator is suggesting that love ca n often be misleading for everyone. I enjoyed reading this poem as it is written in an unusual style with lots of imagery.Due to the interpretative nature of ‘La voz a ti debida’, each individual reader is able to extract and understand Salinas’ descriptions of the concept of love in various ways, depending on their own identity and personal experiences of love. Salinas’ descriptions of love could be considered somewhat ambiguous; in that sense, he has played with a general understanding of human emotion and compassion with the aim of making his work more widely applicable and understandable to a larger group of readers. This is exactly as Salinas would have wanted – for every individual to feel as if each line had been written specifically for them.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Jacques †Louis David Essay

We know that through out our Art History many artists have made themselves a name in this world. We have learned about the different periods of art history and the artist involved in those periods. Listening about all theses artists really touched me. There is so many to talk about, but I have pick one. Jacques Louis David was a great painter painting was considered his strength. He is one I really liked. Jacques Louis David was born on August 30 1748 and then he died December 29 1825. David was considered â€Å"the most celebrated French artist of his day and a principal exponent of the late 18th-century Neoclassical reaction against the Rococo style† (Britannia Encyclopedia). His father had died when he was nine and his mother left him. His uncles who were architects took care of him. He was not considered a good student. â€Å"He had a facial tumor that impeded his speech, and he was always preoccupied with drawing. He covered his notebooks with drawings† (Jacques-Louis David. org). He never paid attention to his studies just focusing on his art. He once said, ‘I was always hiding behind the instructor’s chair, drawing for the duration of the class’† (Jacques-Louis David. org). He wanted to be a painter but his uncles and mother wanted him to be an architect. He followed his heart and went to study with Francois Boucher, who was the famous artist of that time. The times were changing and so was the art. Boucher decided to send David to his good friend Joseph Marie Vien to study with him. David ended up attending the Royal Academy well he was there. David around 1770 to 1774 attempted to win a scholarship. He tried four times before he finally won. â€Å"David attempted to win the Prix de Rome, an art scholarship to the French Academy in Rome, four times between 1770 and 1774; once, he lost according to legend because he had not consulted Vien, one of the judges. Another time, he lost because a few other students had been competing for years, and Vien felt David’s education could wait for these other mediocre painters. In protest, he attempted to starve himself to death. Finally, in 1774, David won the Prix de Rome,† (Jacques-Louis David. org). David later on ended up in Italy. He was very inspired by the work. â€Å"David filled twelve sketchbooks with material that he would derive from for the rest of his life,† (Jacques-Louis David. org). In 1780, David completed the work Belisarius Asking Alms, which he also exhibited in Paris. He used a very unique approach to this piece. â€Å"In which he combined a nobly sentimental approach to antiquity with a pictorial technique reminiscent of Poussin,† (Britannia Encyclopedia). This piece you can tell is what started it all. You can see that David was very into the classical period. This is a very good piece for an artist just starting his career. To me it looks realistic, but you can still tell it was idealistic. I really liked the use of color in this piece. The focus though does not just seem to be on one person, but one all three characters portrayed in the piece. It really fits in the period. I chose this piece because it was one of David’s first pieces that kick started his career into art. It was the very first piece he exhibited. Another piece that helped his career is Oath of the Horatii. He produced this in 1784. This was one of the pieces in the Neoclassicism period. This piece had to do with a social contract. â€Å"The artist references Enlightenment values while alluding to Rousseau’s social contract,† (Wikipedia). They are showing the oath as a act of being one, they are coming together. â€Å"The Oath between the characters can be read as an act of unification of men to the binding of the state,† (Wikipedia). It also shows gender issue clearly between the women and the men. The issue of gender roles also becomes apparent in this piece, as the women in Horatii greatly contrast the group of brothers. David depicts the father with his back to the women, shutting them out of the oath making ritual; they also appear to be smaller in scale than the male figures,† (Wikipedia). This piece was really good. It really caught my eye when we studied it in class. I chose this piece because I wanted represent a piece of David’s from the Neoclassicism period. This was one of his best. It marks the middle of his time. One last piece of David’s is Mars Being Disarmed by Venus and the Three Graces. This was the very last piece of work he created before he died. It was known to be his â€Å"great last work†. He worked on this from 1822 to 1824. In 1823 he had said, â€Å"This is the last picture I want to paint, but I want to surpass myself in it. I will put the date of my seventy-five years on it and afterwards I will never again pick up my brush,† (Wikipedia). He exhibited this in Brussels, where about 10, 000 people came to view this piece. I chose this piece because I wanted show the ending of this story. This story is the story of David. He had actually stopped on his own will. This is the piece that represented he ended with a bang. He had been painting for seventy-five years now. I really liked how he showed the end of a battle. It symbolizes the end of his career. There are many great artists in our world, many from a long time ago. There has been so much artistic work that has impacted us in many ways. We can only rely on artwork to tell us about these artists that no longer exist. Jacques Louis David was a very famous painter from the many periods. He had seventy-five years of work. His impact has still remained. Artists will still remain.

Why the Policies Adopted by Stalin in the 1920s Differed

In many ways, Stalins policies in the 1920s differed massively from Marxist theories. For example, when Stalin had invaded Georgia, he had gone against the Marxist idea of internationalism in favour of invading Georgia and taking of the republic for the interests of Russian Nationalism. As well as this, after Lenin's death, Stalin wanted to employ a policy of ‘Socialism in One Country’. This meant that he wanted socialism in only the USSR.This again differed from Marxist ideas as it went against internationalism. It was also in contrast with Trotsky, who wanted a ‘Permanent Revolution’ across the world. The main reason Stalin did this was to agree with Lenin’s ideas, as he was trying to appear to be the natural successor to Lenin. In fact, Stalin was so intent on gaining power, that he created the cult of Lenin. This was the elevation of Lenin, his ideas and his life to an almost divine status. This was contrary to Marxist ideas of ‘leadershipâ €™.Marx believed in the dictatorship of the proletariat, which would give way to a communist Utopia where there would be no leadership and no state. Also, in 1924, Stalin wanted to keep the NEP going, even though it went against Marxism as the NEP meant that a mixed economy in which there were features of capitalism. The main reason Stalin did this was because it was a measure brought in by Lenin, and at the time, Stalin wished to make himself seem as loyal to Lenin as possible, to appear to be the natural heir.The introduction of collectivization and industrialization by Stalin were both supposed to end ideological compromise and come closer to Marxist theory. However, many historians have made it clear that these policies created a socialist Soviet Economy which was the opposite of Marx’s theory. State control of the economy was a key feature of Stalin’s totalitarian rule. To conclude, it is quite clear that Stalins theories differed greatly from that of Marx. It is also clear, however, to see that Stalins theories differed purely to try to be as much like Lenin as possible.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bessie Coleman Biography

Bessie Coleman Biography Born: January 26, 1892 Atlanta, Texas Died: May 1, 1926 Jacksonville, Florida African American aviator Bessie Coleman was the first African American to earn an international pilots license. She dazzled crowds with her stunts at air shows and refused to be slowed by racism (a dislike or disrespect of a person based on their race). Early life Bessie Coleman was born on January 26, 1892, in a one-room, dirt-floored cabin in Atlanta, Texas, to George and Susan Coleman, the illiterate (unable to read and write) children of slaves. When Bessie was two years old, her father, a day laborer, moved his family to Waxahachie, Texas, where he bought a quarter-acre of land and built a three-room house in which two more daughters were born. In 1901 George Coleman left his family. Bessies mother and two older brothers went to work and Bessie was left as caretaker of her two younger sisters. Education for Coleman was limited to eight grades in a one-room schoolhouse that closed whenever the students were needed in the fields to help their families harvest cotton. Coleman easily established her position as family leader, reading aloud to her siblings and her mother at night. She often assured her ambitious church-going mother that she intended to amount to something. After completing school she worked as a laundress and saved her pay until 1910 when she left for Oklahoma to attend Langston University. She left after one year when she ran out of money. Back in Waxahachie Coleman again worked as a laundress until 1915, when she moved to Chicago, Illinois, to live with her older brother, Walter. Within months she became a manicurist and moved to a place of her own while continuing to seek—and finally, in 1920, to find—a goal for her life: to become a pilot. Learning to fly After befriending several leaders in South Side Chicagos African American community, Coleman found a sponsor in Robert Abbott (1868–1940), publisher of the nations largest African American weekly, the Chicago Defender. There were no African American aviators (pilots) in the area and, when no white pilot was willing to teach her to fly, Coleman turned to Abbott, who suggested that she go to France. The French, he insisted, were not racists and were the worlds leaders in aviation. Coleman left for France late in 1920. There she completed flight training at the best school in France and was awarded her Fà ©dà ©ration Aà ©ronautique Internationale (F.A.I.; international pilots license) license on June 15, 1921. She traveled Europe, gaining further flying experience so that she could perform in air shows. Her mission Back in New York in August 1922, Coleman outlined the goals for the remainder of Bessie Coleman. Reproduced by permission of the Corbis Corporation her life to reporters. She would be a leader, she said, in introducing aviation to her race. She would found a school for aviators of any race, and she would appear before audiences in churches, schools, and theaters to spark the interest of African Americans in the new, expanding technology of flight. Intelligent, beautiful, and well spoken, Coleman often exaggerated her already remarkable accomplishments in the interest of better publicity and bigger audiences. As a result, the African American press of the country, primarily weekly newspapers, quickly proclaimed her Queen Bess. In 1923 Coleman purchased a small plane but crashed on the way to her first scheduled West Coast air show. The plane was destroyed and Coleman suffered injuries that hospitalized her for three months. Returning to Chicago to recover, it took her another eighteen months to find financial backers for a series of shows in Texas. Her flights and theater appearances there during the summer of 1925 were highly successful, earning her enough to make a down payment on another plane. Her new fame was also bringing in steady work. At last, she wrote to one of her sisters, she was going to be able to earn enough money to open her school for fliers. A tragic ending Coleman left Orlando, Florida, by train to give a benefit exhibition for the Jacksonville Negro Welfare League, scheduled for May 1, 1926. Her pilot, William D. Wills, flew her plane into Orlando, but had to make three forced landings because the plane was so worn and poorly maintained. On April 30, 1926, Wills piloted the plane on a trial flight while Coleman sat in the other cockpit to survey the area over which she was to fly and parachute jump the next day. Her seat belt was unattached because she had to lean out over the edge of the plane while picking the best sites for her program. At an altitude of 1,000 feet, the plane dived, then flipped over, throwing Coleman out. Moments later Wills crashed. Both were killed. Coleman had three memorial services—in Jacksonville, Orlando, and Chicago, the last attended by thousands. She was buried at Chicagos Lincoln Cemetery and gradually, over the years following her death, achieved recognition at last as a hero of early aviation.